CBD Statistics V2
CBD STATISTICS – My CBD Cert Resources
The first documented use of cannabis-derived medicine dates back to 2737 BC when Chinese Emperor Sheng Neng used a cannabis-infused tea to aid with a variety of ailments including memory, malaria, rheumatism, and gout
The global market for cannabidiol (CBD) oil should grow from $967.2 million in 2020 to $5.3 billion by 2025, at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 40.4% for the period of 2020-2025. Reference: Cannabidiol (CBD) Oil Industry
CBD business will be a safe investment in the future as the compound annual growth rate will be about 30%.
From the studies, it is verified that the cannabis plant has more than 100 substances in it, but it is the cannabis plant that works against illnesses and problems in the body. Hence, praise.
Even after knowing that CBD is not psychoactive, it is still placed as a Schedule 1 drug by the U.S. government. However, pure CBD is completely safe to use. Women entrepreneurs are mostly founders or general managers of about 75% of CBD brands. It is expected that by 2022, the CBD global market will reach about $1.8 billion.
CBD business will be a safe investment in the future as the compound annual growth rate will be about 30%. Apart from CBD oil being the top seller, cannabis edibles and beverages will be on top of sales. More than 58% of consumers prefer cannabis edibles including CBD-infused coffee, juices, and more.
Colorado stands on the top with over $1 billion in cannabis revenue. In the U.S.A, the availability of the CBD has increased by 80% in 2018.
The workers in the CBD sector has 11% higher wages as compared to median wages. CBD oil is expected to be used more by women than men.
Americans aged 55-64 years are more likely to use marijuana as compared to teenagers. Around 7% of U.S. citizens are CBD consumers
Reference: The World Health Organization (WHO) My CBD Cert, LLC /
February 2020, estimates that Europe’s CBD market will grow by 400% over the next four years. Reference: Health Europa predicted
Recently released a study on the CBD market and polled 2,500 people. Cowen projected that the revenue of this market will reach an estimated $16 billion by 2025. Reference: Cowen & Co, an investment bank in New York
Predicting a compound annual growth rate of 49 percent by 2024 across all distribution channels. Also, they expect that the CBD market, combined with THC products, will create a total market of $45 billion for cannabinoids by 2024. Reference: BDS Analytics
The global cannabidiol market size was valued at USD 2.8 billion in 2020 and is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 21.2% from 2021 to 2028. Due to its healing properties, the demand for cannabidiol (CBD) for health and wellness purposes is high, which is the major factor driving the market growth. In addition, the rising acceptance and use of products due to government approvals is a major factor expected to boost production for CBD-infused products.
https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/cannabidiol-cbd-market#:~:text=The%20g lobal%20CBD%20market%20size,USD%2013.4%20billion%20by%202028.
● 26% of people believe that CBD and marijuana are the same thing.
● The number of licensed hemp growers in the US increased by 27%.
● A cannabis worker earns more than an average American.
● 9 million people started using CBD for the first time due to the pandemic. ● Americans spend an average of $20–$80 per month on CBD.
● CBD sales in the US are predicted to reach about $1.8 billion by 2022. ● The number of licensed hemp growers in the US increased by 27%.
● 68% of Americans are in favor of legalizing cannabis.
● 9 in 10 pet owners would recommend CBD as a way of pet treatment. ● Reference: https://loudcloudhealth.com/resources/cbd-statistics-infographic/
CBD health statistics show that there are no health-related issues associated with the use of pure CBD 5. 22% of people replaced a prescribed or over-the-counter drug they use with CBD.
Reference: https://supplements101.net/cbd-statistics/
8. 64% of senior adults say that their quality of life improved after using CBD. Most of this improved quality of life comes from pain relief. Namely, 61% of seniors say that CBD reduced their pain, 45.6% say that it improved the quality of their sleep, and almost 8% said that it improved their cognitive function. Reference: Canna Health 32% of millennials use CBD to reduce stress and anxiety, while 42% of baby boomers use it for joint pain. Reference; Consumer Report
Naturally, these CBD usage statistics also show that as many as 12% of baby boomers use CBD to reduce stress, while some 15% of millennials use it to reduce pain in the joints, as baby boomers do. In 2017, 44% of regular CBD users spent $20-80 monthly on CBD products. Reference: Brightfield Group
Additionally, 13% of this population spent more than $160 monthly on CBD products, with 1% spending beyond the $600 mark on the same. Furthermore, of the people who use CBD products in the US, 40% utilize them to reduce pain, 20% to help with anxiety, and 11% to achieve better sleep, reveals a Gallup CBD market analysis from 2019.
According to CBD statistics from 2019, a significant portion of the population is interested in trying CBD. Reference: Cannabis Business Times 35% of CBD consumers take CBD by infusing it in food and drinks. Reference: Consumer Reports
The CBD Business to Business (B2B) segment dominated the market and accounted for the largest revenue share of 58.9% in 2020. Reference:
https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/cannabidiol-cbd-market#:~:text=The %20global%20CBD%20market%20size,USD%2013.4%20billion%20by%202028.
The pharmaceuticals segment dominated the Cannabidiol (CBD) market and accounted for the highest revenue share of 42.8% in 2020. Reference:
https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/cannabidiol-cbd-market#:~:text=The %20global%20CBD%20market%20size,USD%2013.4%20billion%20by%202028.
In 2020, North America dominated the market with a revenue share of 37.3% and will continue to retain its leading position in the market. The presence of large health-conscious people in the region, growing acceptance for CBD-based products, the presence of major manufacturers, and approval of the U.S Reference:
https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/cannabidiol-cbd-market#:~:text=The %20global%20CBD%20market%20size,USD%2013.4%20billion%20by%202028.
39% of CBD users are between the ages of 18-34. 64% of seniors who try CBD say it helped them. 14% of Americans have used CBD as of August 2019. 28% of all CBD users use the product on a daily basis. Reference: https://www.statisticstats.com/cannabis/cbd-statistics-and-facts/
The fact that 39% of CBD users are so young shows just how much growth potential the CBD industry has. 18-34-year-olds are among the most consumer-friendly demographics. Reference: https://www.statisticstats.com/cannabis/cbd-statistics-and-facts/
As noted above, more young people than seniors use CBD. However, 64% of seniors who tried CBD said that it had a positive impact on their life. Reference:
The veterinary CBD market is projected to reach $125 million by 2022. Reference: https://www.statisticstats.com/cannabis/cbd-statistics-and-facts/
Much of the growth of CBD can be explained by the fact that 28% of its users use the product at least once a day. Reference: https://www.statisticstats.com/cannabis/cbd-statistics-and-facts/
Colorado has been breaking records in hemp and marijuana sales since its legalization in 2014. Colorado also has the highest number of acres licensed for hemp production along with Kentucky. According to Hemp Industry Daily, at the end of 2019, Colorado state had roughly 50,000 acres of hemp. 44% of regular CBD users spend $Reference: CNBC20-$80 per month on CBD products. 13% spend more than $160 per month. Additionally, according to New Frontier Data, CBD purchasers aged 35-54 are most likely (21%) of any group to spend over $100 per month on CBD. Reference: Research from Brightfield Group
CBD purchasers aged 35-54 are most likely (21%) of any group to spend over $100 per month on CBD. Reference: New Frontier Data
Marijuana-derived CBD dominated the cannabidiol market with a share of 61.4% in 2019. This is attributable to the high availability of marijuana-derived products in dispensaries, government-approved pharmacies, and stores. Reference:
https://www.grandviewresearch.com/industry-analysis/cannabidiol-cbd-market#:~:text=The%20g lobal%20CBD%20market%20size,USD%2013.4%20billion%20by%202028.
66 percent of hemp-derived CBD consumers in the U.S. agree with full federal legalization of cannabis, with 90 percent believing that marijuana has medical benefits; and CBD consumers are an average age of 40, have higher education, and are more likely than non-consumers to be employed full-time. Reference:
https://www.forbes.com/sites/irisdorbian/2019/05/20/cbd-market-could-reach-20-billion-by-2024- says-new-study/?sh=1e23202749d0
1 in 7 Americans – about 14% of the country – had tried CBD. This is an extraordinarily high number, and even higher when you consider that CBD was only legalized at the federal level in December 2018. Reference: 2019 survey from Gallup
79.2% of patients with anxiety and sleeping problems reported a decrease in their issues. Reference: The Permanente Journal
The CBD stats are the result of a 2019 study that was performed on 72 adults who undertook CBD therapy for about a month. The effects lasted for the entirety of the trial. Reference: The Permanente Journal
CBD is beneficial for pain, but more research is necessary. Reference: The Permanente Journal
In 2019, China was the world’s largest cannabis exporter. The world’s total CBD oil industry export reached $2.9 billion in the same year. According to reports, China accounted for a mouthwatering $964 million — 33.4% of the total amount. Other top cannabis exporters for the same year were India at $320.8 million (11.1%) and the United States at $309.7 million (10.7%). Reference: World’s Top Exports
In 2018, the CBD market was $620 million. By 2023, it is projected to grow to $23.7 billion. Reference: https://www.statisticstats.com/cannabis/cbd-statistics-and-facts/
A 2017 study tested 84 CBD products and found that 21% of them actually contained more THC than labeled. Reference: https://www.statisticstats.com/cannabis/cbd-statistics-and-facts/
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