CBD Quality GMP

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CBD Quality GMP – My CBD Cert Resources 

Compliance with GMPs & FSMA: The FDA does not consider isolated, purified CBD as a legal supplement ingredient, but hemp extracts that contain naturally occurring CBD are—for now—considered herbal supplements. Companies that make them should be in full compliance with the FDA’s good manufacturing practices (GMPs), and the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). FSMA requires companies to have a Preventive Control Qualified Individual (PCQI) on staff who is trained in food safety and certified as competent to manage safety programs as required by the law. Many hemp companies are not aware of these legal obligations. The conscientious ones are fully compliant. GRAS Status: GRAS status—the acronym stands for “Generally Recognized as Safe”—is another basic quality and safety indicator. 

The microorganisms of particular concern when harvesting Cannabis for CBD and similar products include, but are not limited to: 

Listeria monocytogenes 

Escherichia coli 


Thermophilic actinomycetes 






Botulinum toxin 

For CBD and other Cannabis-derived products, heavy metal contamination can vary greatly depending on the plant’s origin and strain; therefore, it is imperative to evaluate the potential presence of heavy metals 

CBD Digital World, LLC / www.mycbdcert.com / info@mycbdcert.com / Personal & Confidential / Not for Distribution